What is in your breakfast?

Do you pay much attention to the brands of breakfast cereals you are buying? Yes, those Kegglogs, Nestle, Post, General Mills… Do you know what kind of industries these are?…

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From darkness to light

She was just a young girl when she realized that home, a place where children normally come to be nourished and loved was not a safe place. Growing up with…

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Still searching for a purpose in life – try this!

This post summarizes my interview with Pavilna Borisova, who talks about starting companies, taking a lead in transformation and also, gives a great advice to someone who may still be searching for their purpose and a meaningful goal in life. If you’d rather watch the interview, the link is at the end of the post!

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5 easy steps to stop worry

Do you ever worry about something so much that it starts effecting your performance, your concentration and your general well-being? This anxiety often feels so real, we succumb to defeat…

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Oh… but what will people say?

We often find ourselves at the mercy of the opinions of others.   To be criticized publicly is one of the scariest experiences for many people.   It could range from a…

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