Take action today

Resisting to take action? Try this – with ease!

Sometimes we wish we could finally commit to an action; to start doing something meaningful for ourselves, or something that -we know- will move us forward, improve our quality of life or make our relationships better.  

We may wish and we may truly want to do it, we may even write it down in our “to do” list, but when the time to take the action comes, something always comes up, some inner resistance wells up and does not allow us to follow through!

Can you relate?  

I used to be there too… I personally had been very good at “implementing” these important actions some time right before falling asleep.  After my head would hit the pillow I’d go over all the successful scenarios and in my mind’s eye I’d see myself all organized and making a lot of progress! 

But in the morning I would be overwhelmed by new distractions, by endless responsibilities and a lot of errands I must take care of before I can do my “desired action”. 

So how can we assist ourselves in breaking through all the excuses and blocks and finally get to do THAT thing?

You may know me enough to predict that the answer is : put it into your schedule!   But have you ever scheduled something and STILL not followed through?  And yes, I know, you had a perfect excuse for not taking that action, and it’s okay.   

Without getting into all the possible reasons why we are not taking this action, (although they may be worth considering) I suggest we learn a more positive strategy to make ourselves DO that which we know we must do!   

The strategy I’d like to introduce is called five “P”s 

This comes from the Activation Method coaching and what I like about it is that this type of work can be explained by a coach once and then we can apply it to our different needs or aspects of our daily lives. 

By ourselves.  For many other aspects of life.

Also, it makes us act through elevation: no harsh talk from a coach, no shaming, no guilt, just pure inspiration … and some practice! 

The five “P”s stand for :

  • Purpose
  • Posture
  • Picture
  • Presence
  • Practice

1. Purpose

Connect to the deep purpose, your own meaningful “Why”, the soul reason why you know that the action you want to take is so important to you in the first place. 

2. Posture

Think of what a Power Pose looks for you.  You may have to remind yourself of one of those successes you have experienced in your life.  Remember when you achieved something and said “YES!!!” happily throwing your arms in the air?  That is your power pose.  Remember that our physiology is strongly interconnected with the brain biochemistry and certain poses will fire certain neurons in our brain, activating corresponding emotions. 

3. Picture

While connecting to that posture of success, make an image in your mind of your successful self , enjoying a wonderful achievement.  This picture could be of anything but it has to represent your empowered self. ​ It could be yourself signing an impressive employment contract or finishing up a marathon for the first time in your life, giving birth to your long-awated child or anything else that is easy for you to connect to and experience those positive, invigorating and elevating emotions! 

4. Presence

Right about the time you set out to take that action, pause! 

Presence yourself.  Breathe…

Take the sensations you are experiencing in your body for what they are… you may feel hesitation, resistance or even fear.  Take a deep breath, bring your awareness into your body, and then bring in the Picture, which reminds you of our power Posture and connect it all to your Purpose, your desired outcome of this action.   

When you Presence yourself, evoke positive emotion of your Purpose through seeing that inspiring Picture and supporting yourself by a power Posture, nothing can possibly stop you from taking that action!

So here is the process:

Intention to act – brrrr…. (hesitation, fear) – PRESENCE, deep breath, awareness of your physical body – PICTURE of success- POSTURE of empowerment- connection to your PURPOSE behind the Action.


You are in your superman/superwoman state to take that action! Go for it!

This process could be done in less than a minute, and takes minimum of …

5. Practice 

This is our final step.  We practice this process for a week. It shouldn’t feel like heavy work, in fact it must leave you elevated and in a better mood, because it connects you to your higher vision.  

Take a minute out of your schedule to twice a day imagining yourselves taking that action, in an inspired, intentional state. 

There is no doubt you will succeed!