Still searching for a purpose in life – try this!

This post summarizes my interview with Pavilna Borisova, who talks about starting companies, taking a lead in transformation and also, gives a great advice to someone who may still be searching for their purpose and a meaningful goal in life. If you’d rather watch the interview, the link is at the end of the post!

Serial Entrepreneur and a mother of two!

At a tech related conference she was once told that it would be practically impossible for a woman with two small children to start a company.

She proved them wrong. She started not one, not two, she started many and she is still on a roll!

Pavlina is a USA educated, soft spoken woman from Bulgaria. She lives with her family, surrounded by (in her own words) “a scary pack of Bulgarian grandmothers” in Sofia.

And this is what she is passionate about — start-ups, worthy ideas and a positive impact.

She got into her first venture -a consulting firm- almost right after graduating from a university. Had her company grown and made her a lot of money, propelling her into the ranks of rich business owners, it could have been a perfect story of an overnight success.

However, it did not turn out to be what Pavlina had been hoping for, but it was an extremely valuable and indispensable lesson that eventually became a stepping stone for her exciting career of a serial entrepreneur.

When I listened to her story a part of me was in awe from what Pavlina has already achieved as a business owner. Like the number of roles she plays in those companies and the different types of businesses she operates. And frankly, the other part of me was envious of her – – so confident, so smart, successful and flexible in handling such diverse projects.

She is also a wonderful mom to her small daughters. No matter how busy her work may get she makes sure to have time to be completely present with her children. Having a grandmother around definitely helps, but as it turns out, the grandmother (Pavlina’s mom) is also a business lady with a big vision!

Continuing growth

Continuous education is something Pavlina feels very strongly about. In her software company, employees work 4 days a week while Fridays are reserved for education, acquisition of new skills, including such seemingly inessential for tech professionals ones as creativity and English language communication.

Hiring the best and constantly developing human talent is an obvious strategy for robust business growth. Pavlina always did her best in creating ultimate conditions for her employees. However, there was one element, which may have been putting a cap on this growth. This element was not yet another business strategy, it was something she had not fully realized until she hired a business coach.

This coach helped Pavlina understand that she could only elevate her company to the level of success that she herself was capable of envisioning. Unless Pavlina started to pay more attention to her own personal development and growth, she would not be able to take her businesses any higher. Thus her very important project ” Project Pavlina” has started and is on-going to this day.

Sometimes , as leaders, we are so eager to teach and change others, give them more skills and opportunities for progress, meanwhile forgetting that it is the leader who is constantly in the spotlight, who is followed by others, who sets standards for the community and therefore must relentlessly pursue consistent advancement.

This realization came in at the time of an acute need for her to start paying more attention to her health. Due to a burn-out and her trying to be there for everyone she developed a health issue for which had to be treated in a hospital. It turned out to be a wake-up call for Pavlina. A reminder to live and lead in a different way. Not to increase the work time, but to increase awareness, not to work harder but to work smarter.

With this new approach to her businesses, family and health, Pavlina continues to discover new ideas and create her vision.

But what if you have no vision?

So my obvious question to Pavlina was:

“What would you tell someone who either believes they do not have a purpose or pretty much has given up trying to find one?”

Her answer?

“Borrow one!”

She told me that most of the businesses she had started was not purely her own ideas. Always through a certain chain of events, Pavlina either was introduced to or just discovered people around her with an inspiring and compelling vision and if it resonated with her, she fearlessly stepped in to make it a reality.

In the case of one of her businesses it was her own mom who had been dreaming of bringing expert teachers into children’s homes in rural areas to provide them with an extra support for their academic performance. This dream is now a successful reality with over 30 amazing teachers in Europe who provide online mentoring and exams preparation strategies to children.

Once a friend engineer shared an idea that he light-heartedly entertained in his free time. After listening to him, a visionary that she is, Pavlina saw a promising concept and called in talent to start yet another business around it.

Inspired by work of Muhammad Yunus, Pavlina is inspired to amplify impact, not profits with her companies. Bringing value and improving lives, being at service to those who need it the most is what she strives for in her daily work.

Ready to act?

Are you watching your life pass by?

Could you “borrow” or “adopt” someone else’s purpose?

It may turn out much more than you are capable of imagining now.

Do you know anyone who has an idea that happens to be in the realm of your curiosity? Have you heard a friend or a family member talk about something you could pledge your full support for and cheer them on? Do you know someone who is creative and passionate about the same thing you are?

If yes, then maybe it is time for you to give this idea a chance.

It may be scary, but you won’t be alone. It may not be a huge success, but it undoubtedly will be a valuable experience. It may not be long-lived but it will definitely create a foundation for your next exciting endeavor .

Step in and act.