On having a vision

If you have been to any of my workshops or familiar with what I do, you know that I talk a lot about how important it is to have a vision for your future

Many of us lead lives without any particular destination in mind.  Yes, we might have a to-do list to tackle our daily tasks, but we rarely sit down and create a bigger outline, an exciting vision with a step-by-step plan which will enable us to reach that vision.

Often the problem is that we simply do not know what it is that we want.  Of course we can name a few things here and there, like a nice house, a good school for our children, a healthy body and a great relationships… honestly, we are much better at naming all the things we do NOT want.  

But things we want do not just happen to us.  These results are created, they are planned in advance and worked towards to on a daily basis.

Success is nothing but small actions, performed day in and day out.

If we don’t consciously work towards our goals, they simply stay a dream, a desire, which may (if we are lucky) or may not (not so lucky) come through.  

For example, if you want a strong passionate relationship with your partner, what do you do weekly, daily to nourish it? Have you taken time to know your partner’s needs, hopes and expectations? 

Would you travel without a destination in mind?

Imagine traveling to some place. Any place, in fact.  Catching a plane to some city, getting a ride with friends, hitch-hiking for a few days, meeting some people and getting on a boat with them…. and so on… If your objective is to see random places and meet as many people possible, you will do well, for while. Eventually you will find yourself in a place you never intended to be in and it might disappoint you.

This is what most of us are doing in life. We are going along with friends, we are spending time on entertainment shows, we are allowing ourselves to get involved into other people’s agendas. We are too busy doing life with others and checking a to-do list off for ourselves.

Chances are slim that we will be happy with the place we end up at.  Of course we will do our best convincing ourselves that this place is also good enough, after all, we went through a lot of trouble to get there.  

But had we actually planned on our dream place of arrival we would have succeeded at reaching it.

This is why working on your vision is important.

What do you want to be remembered for? 

Maybe not a very pleasant topic of conversation but something that would inevitably happen… we die. We all die at the end of it.

What do you think your obituary would say?

I know it could be a profound and solemn question, but believe me, giving it a thought NOW, could bring a new understanding to what it is you value in life and what you consider most important.  

From there, you will be able to come up with thoughts, ideas and ultimately your vision for yourself. 

Start big, with 5 or 10 years ahead, dream big and be bold! 

Remember again, we are not getting alive out of this life, so there is no point in being fearful or overly modest in expressing your desires 🙂 we all die at the end, so let us dream big, plan big and create that amazing destination we can start pursuing today!