The quality of our life is only as good as the quality of our important relationships.

Tony Robbins

We all strive to make our relationships more meaningful and passionate, but sometimes a need to improve is not a mere wish, but an absolute necessity.

We realize that unless we proactively do something about it, this particular relationship may not survive. Or we get so sick and tired of being miserable in a relationship we make a decision to make an effort and work on it.

If you are thinking of taking steps to improve or bring a certain relationship to the next level,


Your intent and desire to work on the relationship is already a giant step towards success.

Information below will give you a better idea of what my coaching framework is for relationship coaching.  Of course this is adjustable and a client may choose strategies and the general direction of the coaching.

These will include (but not limited to ) the following sessions:

  • Understanding ( developing a deeper understanding of the family dynamic and your particular goal in improving your relationship with a key person.  Work out small steps in the direction of building more understanding in the relationship)
  • Intentions setting in the relationship (we will work on bringing out clarity of intention with your relationship. We will discover what is within your control, what skills you need to develop, what boundaries you need to be aware of and common obstacles in the relationship) 
  • Archetype work/Higher self work (This is archetype work designed to help you discover your own wisdom and strength as it is presented by one of our archetypes (free to choose) We will learn how to connect to healthy power through the archetype) 
  • Emotional Goals (Emotional coaching on any aspect of desired emotions) 
  • Values and Strengths Process (What are the values and strengths that you both care about. We will find a way to help you to have a way to daily remind yourself of your top values regarding your key person) 
  • Key Decisions and habits (We will identify any limiting key decisions and learn what daily or weekly habits could be made more empowering for you)
  • Love glimpses (We will cultivate more appreciation for yourself and others so you can open to deepening the relationship with your key person) 
  • Offer and Block (learning how to make offers that are less likely to be blocked) 
  • Compassion Through Six human Needs (Understand how your key person’s meets his six human needs. Every need is an opportunity for you to deepen your relationship with him/her through compassion) 

Please understand that coaching is not me telling you what to do. It is more of uncovering your own resources and changing your ways of thinking, therefore it will require you to practice, to do homework (not pages of tests, but internal work) and to be willing to try new ways of showing up in the world. 

As a result of our work together you can expect to become calmer, kinder and more accepting of yourself and your key person, as well as to make healthier and more beneficial choices more often.

This kind of work is never linear, you may experience break-through on one level and suddenly become aware of a block in another area.  It may go up and down, but it is never without a positive empowering shift.