Our lives are always changing. As we grow and mature, we go through a number of life stages. Each new chapter requires us to be better, stronger and smarter. As minimum we need to adapt to a new environment, but optimally we are challenged to obtain new skillsets and wisdom in order to thrive.

But what happens if we fail to undertake these meaningful changes?

We come up with excuses, find someone else to blame and create a collection of small pet-problems to worry about.

We will put all our attention on those “safe problems” in order to avoid focusing on the real challenge — a successful adjustment to our new life stage. We will distract ourselves, we will find excuses, we will procrastinate and as a result, we will not make a healthy, robust transition.

If this happens we grow accustomed to justifying ourselves and we fail to admit that we need to uplevel.

Basically we will do anything to avoid taking the much needed leap into our new life stage.

Transitions between life stages are not always smooth. Often we resist them and fail to adapt to our new environment.

When we become mothers we have no choice but to step into our new role.

Along with the baby, a new mother is born.

She starts her learning process from day one, adjusting to a completely different lifestyle. She now has increased demands for her attention, energy and love.

It is important to recognize that a new level of awareness is required in a new life stage and we must step up to become better, stronger, stronger and wiser.  Failing to do so will leave us wondering if there is something wrong with us. 

This is where we have to recognize the importance of taking better care of ourselves. We are biologically programmed to love and care for our new-born to our best abilities, but in the midst of this self-sacrificing devotion and unconditional love for a new-born we often neglect ourselves.

Taking care of ourselves, filling ourselves up with positive emotions should be a top priority for all mothers. Only then we can act and make our decisions from a place of love and compassion.

Adjusting to becoming a mom can be the most natural thing for some us.

For some it is a struggle. There is no right or wrong in this process. What matters is how we feel about it, what emotions we are experiencing and what kind of energy we project into the world. If you spend majority of your time tired, exhausted and thinking disempowering thoughts, it is time to take action and search support.

As our new-borns grow we have more and more space in our lives to devote to self care and personal growth. This is yet another transition which needs to be honored. We must spend time on getting to know ourselves, on re-establishing our priorities and value-proofing our motives. Any woman would probably agree that after becoming a mother, her dreams, her vision, her passions changed, and no, they didn’t get smaller, if anything, they become more comprehensive, more inspiring, more epic. With new responsibilities comes new understanding and new power!

Spend time connecting to your true desires, do some soul-searching and become unstoppable! Do it for yourself and do it for your children. It will mean so much for them to get to know the best version of you! Schedule time with me.